Digital Games Treasury and Library

Today’s fast digitalization of the world and especially COVID-19 Epidemic process has brought out “Digital Games Treasury and Library” (DiGiTaL) project. Distance learning including digital education has supplanted the face-to-face learning. Teaching profiles of educators have been changing fast.They should be trained, supported and keep up with digital education. Thus, we conducted a simple questionnaire to the teachers of partner schools and defined their needs in distance/flipped/blended/virtual learning classrooms. Lack of digital abilities, not having enough knowledge of web 2.0 technologies, need of digital resources and difficulty of taking attraction of pupils to the online courses are the major problems they face with according to the results of the questionnaire. Thats why, we will arrange educations and workshops to develop their digital abilities and ensure digital transformation in education especially to contribute to distance learning process. We will produce substantial project results such as digital games and digital course contents in some common courses taught around Europe. As our partners have similar distance learning problems and needs in this COVID-19 period and this Digital Era, we would like to carry out this project transnationally and produce results that educators and students of all European countries can easily use, adopt and transfer to their own classrooms or learning processes.


What do you want to achieve by implementing the project? Ensuring digital transformation and adding an attribution to the education that was largely affected by Covid-19 Epidemic is our main goal. We aim to change innovative practices in distance education with our partners to support our distance learning processes. We will improve our teachers’ ICT abilities that are necessary for the digital education. We would like to support teachers’/ educators’ teaching profiles in digital education. We aim to introduce them with web 2 tools to give opportunities them to prepare their own digital course contents. At the same time we will prepare some useful and enjoyable digital course materials that all the teachers and students in Europe can use during in flipped, virtual or blended learning in real classrooms or during individual online study. In this sense, we aim to focus on designing digital educational games as useful and enjoyable course materials to practice some common courses taught in Europe such as English Language, Maths, Natural Sciences, Philosophy and Art because we would like our course materials to be able to be used in wider environment, especially around Europe. We aim to produce a digital game library as a course material that has an open/free website site as an Open Educational Resource (OER). In this project, there will be both vocational schools having an experience in ICT, web 2 tools and gamification and general schools not having knowledge of these digital issues and also there will be NGOs having an experience in ICT, web 2 tools, gamification, graphic design and making animations etc. Thus, vocational school partners and NGOs will be leaders for general school partners in technical issues and achieve the project together. Achieving this project, we first of all want to support all teachers of the partner schools and then reach the other educators, teachers, students, schools, local/ national/ European educational associations and wider public related to education.


What project results and other outcomes do you expect your project to have? Results and outputs we expect to have as follows; We are planning to ensure digital transformation in education. We will develop teachers’ skills of ICT, web 2 technologies and gamification. We will contribute to digital classrooms/ distance, virtual, blended, flipped learning processes.We aim developing teachers’ teaching profiles. We plan to make a collaboration about innovative practices in education. We will produce digital contents. We are planning to arrange local seminars. We aim to produce 10 Digital Educational games in the courses of English Language, Maths, Natural Sciences, Philosophy and Art. We will produce an open/free access Digital Games Library Website (OER) as a substantial project result. We will organize national and international Multiplier events to promote the Digital Games Library. We will design a Project logo and poster to use during the project events and activities. We will activate Social (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and International accounts (such as e-twinning, School Education Gateway, Erasmus+ results Platform), and share project activities and results on these platforms. We aim to activate a project web-site which includes every knowledge, audio-visual materials, activities, events and results of the project. We plan preparing bulletin boards in partner associations and other local possible associations. Expected impact: Participants will gain and actualize knowledge of ICT and new Technologies, have experience in digital education, use web 2 tools effectively, have experience of digital classrooms, learn from colleagues in Europe, be able to prepare digital course contents, have knowledge of gamification, develop their teaching profiles, and improve foreign language skills. At local/national/European level, the project will enlighten target groups about using web 2 tools and gamification in education, ensure them to use the open/free Digital Games Library website and create a motivation to develop teaching profiles of teachers. Long term benefits will be a sustainable free/open access to substantial project result (OER)-Digital Games Library; motivation and enthusiasm created to use web 2 tools and gamification in digital classes; and developed course contents and materials.

Escape Rooms


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.